For those who once resided in Japan and now live abroad, obtaining your historical immigration records from the Immigration Services Agency of Japan can be a valuable step. These records provide a snapshot of your time in Japan, including details about your residence and work history. This information can serve as a foundation for several important purposes. Below, we explore two key benefits of requesting and utilizing these records.
Types of Information Available
When requesting immigration records, you can access the following types of information:
- Foreign Resident Registration Records The foreign resident registration record (“Gaikokujin Tōroku Genpyō”) pertains to personal data registered with municipalities under the old system that was in place until July 2012. If you resided in Japan before July 2012, you can request this data to verify your historical information. The record contains personal details that were registered with municipalities, including the following 24 categories:
- (1) Name, (2) Gender, (3) Date of birth, (4) Nationality, (5) Occupation, (6) Passport number, (7) Passport issuance date, (8) Registration date, (9) Registration number, (10) Date of landing permission, (11) Status of residence, (12) Period of stay, (13) Place of birth, (14) Address or residence in the country of nationality, (15) Residential address in Japan, (16) Name of the head of household, (17) Relationship to the head of household, (18) Name and location of workplace or office, (19) Household members (names, birthdates, nationalities, and relationships to the head of household), (20) Parents or spouse in Japan (excluding those listed in (19): names, birthdates, nationalities), (21) Signature, (22) Photograph, (23) Details of change registration, (24) Correction items.
- Entry and Exit Records Entry and exit records can be disclosed for periods starting from November 1, 1970, to the present. These records include detailed information about your arrivals and departures from Japan, providing valuable insights into your travel history.
- Various Individual Status of Residence Applications In addition to the foreign resident registration records and entry/exit records, you can also request information related to specific applications for your status of residence, such as past application documents.
1. A Starting Point for Investigating Pension Eligibility
While the immigration records themselves do not determine your pension eligibility, they often include details about your addresses and employers during your time in Japan. These details can be instrumental in tracing your contributions to the Japanese pension system, such as through the National Pension (Kokumin Nenkin) or Employees’ Pension (Kōsei Nenkin). If you suspect you may have unpaid pension benefits, these records can provide the starting point for further inquiries with the Japan Pension Service. Additionally, understanding your pension eligibility may help you plan for retirement or explore options for lump-sum withdrawal payments if applicable.
2. Supporting Future Long-Term Stay Applications
If you plan to return to Japan for a long-term stay, whether for work, study, or family purposes, your historical immigration records can strengthen your application for a new visa or residence status. Demonstrating your previous residence and compliance with immigration regulations can help establish your ties to Japan, potentially facilitating the approval process. For example, showcasing a clean record of past residence can build trust with immigration authorities and enhance your application’s credibility.
How to Request Your Immigration Records
To obtain these records, you can submit a personal information disclosure request (Kojin Jōhō Kaiji Seikyū) to the Immigration Services Agency of Japan. The process typically involves filling out a form and providing identification documents. For those living abroad, this request can usually be made via mail. It is advisable to consult with a professional or legal expert to ensure that your application is accurate and complete.
Additional Support
The Nakamura Gyosei Office (https://nakamura-gyosei.biz/) offers affordable assistance with submitting personal information disclosure requests for foreign nationals. Feel free to reach out via email(info@nakamura-gyosei.biz) for inquiries. Additionally, we provide up to 40 minutes of explanation and guidance through online platforms like Zoom, making it easy for you to understand the process and requirements.
Understanding your historical ties to Japan can unlock opportunities, whether it’s investigating pension eligibility or preparing for a future stay. By leveraging immigration records, former residents can make informed decisions about their connection to Japan and plan for the future with confidence. Whether you’re planning to return to Japan or wish to explore your pension options, these records can provide clarity and guidance.
By taking advantage of these tools and resources, you can fully explore the benefits tied to your time in Japan. If you have any questions or require support during the process, professional assistance is readily available to guide you through each step.