ブログの本質 杉並区 | 行政書士中村光男事務所

A blog is, for many people, not only a means of sharing information but also a valuable tool for organizing their thoughts. However, when we become overly conscious of how others might perceive our writing, it can become more complicated, and we may find it difficult to continue. If we instead think of a blog as “a personal notebook for organizing our thoughts,” we can reduce the pressure and complexity of writing.

What is the true essence of a blog?

A blog was originally created as a platform for individuals to freely record their thoughts and experiences. By using it as a space for self-expression and reflection, we can clear our minds and better organize our thoughts. Therefore, at the outset, it’s important to write for yourself, not necessarily for others. By maintaining this perspective, you can express yourself freely, and writing can become an enjoyable experience.

What happens when we focus too much on others?

When we become overly concerned about how others might view our blog, several problems can arise:

  1. You may find it hard to write what you really want to say: You might worry too much about how your opinions or thoughts will be perceived, leading you to hold back.
  2. Difficulty in choosing topics: You may prioritize topics that you think will appeal to readers, avoiding subjects that truly interest you.
  3. Overcomplication: In trying to make your content more professional or precise, your writing may become complex, turning the process of writing into a burden.

When faced with these challenges, writing a blog can become stressful, and as a result, you may find yourself updating it less frequently.

A blog as a personal notebook for organizing thoughts

On the other hand, if you view your blog as “a personal notebook for organizing your thoughts,” these concerns can be alleviated. By freely recording what interests or occupies your mind, the content will naturally grow richer. In this way, even if your writing is somewhat rough or imperfect, it doesn’t matter. The key is to enjoy the process and use it as a means of organizing your thoughts.


It’s important to use your blog not only as something for others to read but also as a “personal notebook for organizing your thoughts.” When we focus too much on how others perceive our writing, it can become complicated, and the act of writing itself can become difficult. However, by writing with the mindset of doing it for yourself, these concerns will lessen. A blog is a valuable tool for freely expressing and organizing your thoughts and feelings. By remembering this and writing without too much pressure, you’ll find it easier to maintain a consistent blogging routine.

Author of this blog:
Mitsuo Nakamura, Certified Administrative Procedures Legal Specialist (Expert in Residency Status)
Website: https://nakamura-gyosei.biz/
Phone: 03-6356-3571
Email: info@nakamura-gyosei.biz
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