How to Get a Management Visa in Japan

In Japan, there are a number of different types of visas available to foreigners, including the management visa. This visa is designed for foreigners who want to start or manage a business in Japan.


To qualify for a management visa, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Must have secured an independent business office for business purposes.

2. Must employ two or more full-time employees in Japan or have a capital or investment of not less than 500 million yen.

3. Must be able to explain in a business plan (a Japanese document) that the business will be operated stably and continuously.

4. If working as a manager of a business (such as a department manager, branch manager, or so-called hired president who does not invest), it is necessary to have three or more years of experience in business management and to receive a salary of not less than the amount that a Japanese person would receive in the same position.


One of the requirements for a management visa is that you must employ at least two full-time employees. However, if you have a minimum of 500,000 yen in investment capital, you are exempt from this requirement.


About Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Nakamura Mistuo Office

I worked for an insurance company for 32 years and a mortgage guarantee company for 8 years.
During that time, I had mainly specialized in asset management, business development, risk management, and financial guarantees. In addition, living in London I worked for three years as a director as well at the head office (London) of a European insurance company with territories in Europe and Africa.
Passed the administrative scrivener exam in 2020. My other qualifications are financial planner and disaster prevention specialist.Welcome to Gyoseishoshi Lawyer Nakamura Mistuo Office Website